Property Management & Federal Immigration Enforcement: Rights, Responsibilities & Best Practices

Session Information


Live Webinar

Date & Time:

05/21/2025 - 02:00 PM (ET)

Details: This course is being offered in partnership with Mid-Atlantic AHMA. Online registration for these sessions is handled directly by Mid-Atlantic AHMA.


Course Description

<p>Recent increases in federal immigration enforcement activities have created new challenges for property management professionals. This 90-minute webinar provides essential guidance for property managers and staff on handling encounters with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and other federal agents at apartment communities.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Participants will learn:</p> <ul> <li>How to properly verify and respond to different types of warrants and subpoenas;</li> <li>Critical distinctions between judicial and administrative warrants;</li> <li>Best practices for protecting resident privacy rights while cooperating with law enforcement;</li> <li>Documentation requirements and communication protocols; &amp;</li> <li>Practical strategies for staff training and emergency response planning</li> </ul> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>This session offers real-world scenarios, actionable templates, and comprehensive guidance for creating compliant policies and procedures. Property managers will depart with the knowledge and tools necessary to handle federal immigration enforcement encounters both professionally and legally.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>This course is ideal for Property managers, leasing professionals, regional managers, and apartment community staff members who need to understand their rights and responsibilities when dealing with federal immigration officials at their properties.</p>

Live Schedule

Training Date Training Name Location Details State City Sort Date
12/11/2025 HCCP Exam Richmond, VA Unknown Richmond 2025-12-11
12/10/2025 Advanced LIHTC Compliance Live Webinar Not Applicable Live Webinar 2025-12-10
12/09/2025 Intermediate LIHTC Compliance Live Webinar Not Applicable Live Webinar 2025-12-09
10/22/2025 Fair Housing Live Webinar Not Applicable Live Webinar 2025-10-22
10/09/2025 Recommendations & Best Practices for Establishing Criminal Record Screening Procedures Live Webinar Not Applicable Live Webinar 2025-10-09
10/02/2025 Fair Housing Live Webinar Not Applicable Live Webinar 2025-10-02
09/25/2025 Fair Housing TBD, VA Unknown TBD 2025-09-25
09/25/2025 Intermediate LIHTC compliance Live Webinar Not Applicable Live Webinar 2025-09-25
09/23/2025 Income & Asset Verification and Calculation Live Webinar Not Applicable Live Webinar 2025-09-23
09/18/2025 Lease Violations with New HUD Lease Requirements Live Webinar Not Applicable Live Webinar 2025-09-18
09/17/2025 Basic LIHTC Compliance Live Webinar Not Applicable Live Webinar 2025-09-17
08/27/2025 Dealing with the Death of a Resident Live Webinar Not Applicable Live Webinar 2025-08-27
07/10/2025 Fair Housing Norfolk, VA Unknown Norfolk 2025-07-10
06/26/2025 Fair Housing Live Webinar Not Applicable Live Webinar 2025-06-26
06/25/2025 Management of Layered Projects Live Webinar Not Applicable Live Webinar 2025-06-25
06/24/2025 Developing Smoke-Free Policies for Multifamily Housing Live Webinar Not Applicable Live Webinar 2025-06-24
06/24/2025 Average Income Requirements and Best Practices Live Webinar Not Applicable Live Webinar 2025-06-24
06/12/2025 HCCP Exam Richmond, VA Virginia Richmond 2025-06-12
06/11/2025 Advanced LIHTC Compliance Live Webinar Not Applicable Live Webinar 2025-06-11
06/10/2025 Intermediate LIHTC Compliance Live Webinar Not Applicable Live Webinar 2025-06-10
05/28/2025 Income & Asset Verification and Calculation Live Webinar Not Applicable Live Webinar 2025-05-28
05/22/2025 Basic LIHTC Compliance Live Webinar Not Applicable Live Webinar 2025-05-22
05/21/2025 Update on HOTMA Live Webinar Not Applicable Live Webinar 2025-05-21
05/21/2025 Property Management & Federal Immigration Enforcement: Rights, Responsibilities & Best Practices Live Webinar Not Applicable Live Webinar 2025-05-21
05/20/2025 Acquisition/Rehab, Tenant Selection Plans, and Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Plans Live Webinar Not Applicable Live Webinar 2025-05-20
05/06/2025 Time Management for Affordable Housing Managers Live Webinar Not Applicable Live Webinar 2025-05-06
04/30/2025 Fair Housing Live Webinar Not Applicable Live Webinar 2025-04-30
04/29/2025 Understanding & Managing Hoarding in Residential Properties: A Fair Housing Compliance Workshop Live Webinar Not Applicable Live Webinar 2025-04-29
04/24/2025 Preparation for Physical Inspections under the NSPIRE Standards Live Webinar Not Applicable Live Webinar 2025-04-24
04/16/2025 Violence Against Women Act - Tips for Communicating with Victims Live Webinar Not Applicable Live Webinar 2025-04-16
04/15/2025 Pets, Pot, and Assistance Animals - Fair Housing Considerations Live Webinar Not Applicable Live Webinar 2025-04-15
04/09/2025 Mediating Tenant-on-Tenant Harassment at Multifamily Housing Properties Live Webinar Not Applicable Live Webinar 2025-04-09
04/08/2025 Critical Components of the Virginia Landlord Tenant Act for Multifamily Housing Live Webinar Not Applicable Live Webinar 2025-04-08
03/26/2025 Advanced LIHTC Compliance Live Webinar Not Applicable Live Webinar 2025-03-26
03/25/2025 Fair Housing Live Webinar Not Applicable Live Webinar 2025-03-25

On Demand Schedule

Course Information Details
Dealing with Tenant Assets
This two-hour course provides a detailed discussion of requirements related to the determination of asset value and income, and is applicable to all federal housing programs, including the low-income housing tax credit, tax-exempt bonds, Section 8, Section 515, HOME, and Public Housing. Multiple types of assets are covered, both in terms of what constitutes an asset and how they must be verified. The course concludes with a series of problems, designed to test the ability of the attendee to determine the value of an asset and calculate the income from that asset.
Compliance with Federal & State Fair Housing Requirements
The course “Compliance with Federal and State Fair Housing Requirements” will equip attendees with the knowledge and understanding needed to avoid fair housing violations.  The course curriculum is centered around the regulations in the two major fair housing laws, The Fair Housing Act (Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. The course also includes a discussion of the additional state and local protected characteristics. In addition, relevant portions of the American with Disabilities Act (ADA) are covered.  The purpose of the Fair Housing Act is to eliminate housing discrimination, promote economic opportunity, and achieve diverse, inclusive communities. Professional fair housing training assists in this mission by ensuring that housing professionals understand both the rights of the public relative to fair housing and the duties and responsibilities of real estate professionals.
The Average Income Minimum Set-Aside: Requirements & Best Practices
The Average Income Minimum Set-Aside Test was added to the LIHTC program in March 2018.  While it is being implemented successfully on many properties, there remains a good deal of industry-wide confusion about the use of the AI set-aside and the risks involved.  This one-hour live webinar will review the requirements of the AI, discuss the risks of this set-aside, and provide best practice recommendations for implementation of the Average Income test.  The Webinar will be presented by A. J. Johnson, a nationally recognized expert on affordable housing who has already provided compliance oversight on multiple properties using the AI set-aside.